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Shenzhen Hongtu Silicone Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Zhang 13823551369

               Manager Chen 13316540440

Mail box: 3265465343@qq.com

Fax: 0755-84826339

Website: www.szhtgj.cn

Address: 3020, Longcheng Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Food grade mold silicone

    Food-grade mold silicone is a kind of two-component addition molding silicone material. Environmentally friendly silica gel that meets FDA food grade certification, using platinum catalyst, is non-toxic, tasteless, safe environmentally friendly. It is composed of A B two-component flowable liquid silica gel, which can be cured at room temperature heated quickly, the operation is simple convenient.
  • Product description

Introduction of food grade mold silicone:

Food-grade mold silicone is a kind of two-component addition molding silicone material. Environmentally friendly silica gel that meets FDA food grade certification, using platinum catalyst, is non-toxic, tasteless, safe environmentally friendly. It is composed of A B two-component flowable liquid silica gel, which can be cured at room temperature heated quickly, the operation is simple convenient.


Food grade mold silicone use:

Food-grade mold silicone is used in high-end food molds, chocolate molds, candy molds, cake molds, high-end simulated food materials. It is also suitable for food craft decorations, food sugar art models, silicone pacifiers high-temperature baking The application of silicone rubber products.


Features of food-grade mold silicone:

1. Passed the non-toxic tasteless food-level certification of the United States FDA the EU ROHS other international certifications;

2. It is limited by the thickness of the product can be deeply cured;

3. The ratio of AB component is 1:1, which can be cured at room temperature heated;

4. Good fluidity, easy demoulding, no oil, no bubbles;

5. The made mold has many turnovers a long service life.


Food grade mold silicone operation:

Mix components A B evenly according to weight 1:1, then pour after vacuum degassing. At room temperature (28 degrees), the operating time is 30 minutes, it is fully cured in 2-3 hours; heated to 60-120 degrees, it can be fully cured in tens of minutes.


Food-grade mold silicone operation attention:

1. Prevent the addition of silica gel coming into contact with heavy metals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, tin, cadmium, mercury. Addition molding silica gel is a medical-grade silica gel that is sticky, uncured, incompletely cured when it comes in contact with substances containing heavy metals during use.

2. During operation, it should be separated the container that has used condensed liquid silicone. You can do a skin test on the mold before use to see if it will solidify before putting it into use.


Contact information

液体硅胶,食品硅橡胶,人体硅橡胶厂家 Contact: Manager Zhang 13823551369

                   Manager Chen 13316540440

液体硅胶,食品硅橡胶,人体硅橡胶厂家 Mail box: 3265465343@qq.com

液体硅胶,食品硅橡胶,人体硅橡胶厂家 Fax: 0755-84826339

液体硅胶,食品硅橡胶,人体硅橡胶厂家 Address: 3020, Longcheng Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

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